القائمة الرئيسية
General Manager's Message
General Manager's Message

The insurance business is the social and economic source of guarantee in all developed economies in proportion to the level of development. The duty of creating a fund into the service of progress should be undertaken by an insurance sector very well aware of its responsibilities in our country that is advancing rapidly to development.

Working for Palestine Insurance Company has never been a mere slogan that we raise, but rather a working style that we seek and adhere to, throughout the history of our beloved company.

We have always faced challenges that we continuously try to overcome with the determination of the people who believe in the importance of teamwork and with a clear vision that aims not only to excel at local and regional levels but also at the level of the insurance industry as one of the largest economic entities in the country.


We have believed in our capabilities and have pursued to be up to the challenge to achieve the company's mission and vision.

We congratulate our great country, Palestine, which we are honored to carry its name, and those achievements that would not have been achieved without the grace goodness of God and the working spirit of the team that brought us together, what we inherited from our parents.

Mr. Hamzeh Shroof

General Manager


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